About Us

Discover our company.

Our company is spread over approximately 12 hectares in the Itri and Castellonorato areas, where 3000 olive trees are located, the vast majority of which are centuries-old, all of the Itrana variety.

The olives are grown, harvested and pressed with a mix of tradition and innovation, in the Pontine Hills area. The continuous cycle oil mill avoids oxidation of the product, guarantees high quality conservation, and allows us to use the best technology available to protect the quality of the oil.

The area between Itri and Formia is rich in history and olive trees, we have dedicated ourselves to these with the care and affection that we reserve for the dear things that belong to our culture. They are part of our traditions, of our family, present in our imprinting like the enveloping landscape of the hills that are reflected in the sea.

“I have always wanted to keep alive and pass on the traditions of the family lands. The villages perched a stone’s throw from the sea, the steep hills covered with olive trees, can be enjoyed through an oil that contains the aromas, taste and richness of a land that deserves to be savored calmly” – Enrico De Marco


The É.D.Enrico project was born from Enrico De Marco’s desire to recover the family’s agricultural passion, develop the magnificent territory with a great rural vocation and enhance the extra virgin olive oil produced, bringing its quality to the highest levels. Assisted by his father Osvaldo, a path was undertaken to recover the olive oil excellence of the native territory, a return to the origins, a reaffirmation of the constitutive values ​​and links with a geographical area of ​​great charm.